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CHIME Data Hack

So, one of the people I have been talking about OVERHEAR to is Craig Hamilton who created Harkive and is undertaking a Phd at BCU. Craig invited me to a Music Data Hack to help anaylse the data captured from app users at Cheltenham Jazz festival.

It was 24hrs from 3pm Friday to 3pm Saturady (with sleep in between) and I got a chance to try out some interesting software. I got on best with the online platform known at CARTO which lets you overlay user location with information from their tweets to see how they are relating to whats going on in the festival.

Heres a pic:

Oh look its me Data Hacking.

It was a very interesting 24hrs with much to be applied to the OVERHEAR model.

So how are we getting on with that?

Well, I was considering preparing a whole set of new content for the Aplha model of OVERHEAR, but when talking to Jon Lewis a Lean Startup whizz friend of mine I was reminded that I only need to get out the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and since I already have available material in the form of the northsidestudio acoustic songwriter compilation from a few years back I can just crack on with that and then get feedback from early adopters about the userbility.

…I might spend a little time looking back at those mixes though…

Well I could roll it out with the current mixes and then update them. I guess the beauty of the system is that I can make updates remotely with out having to change the QR code.

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